at Isios
offers metrology products and complete services for high-precision
robot applications. Core competencies are the development of software
and sensor devices for the enhancement of robot accuracy, the
optimization and control of industrial robots as well as quality
assurance and production control.
The current core product iSiOS is
a contact
free, laser-based metrology system for robot calibration, workcell
calibration and 6D object-identification. Due to its patented technolgy
iSiOS provides highest levels of
absolute robot accuracy in combination with unrivaled cost-efficiency.
Technical advantages include: the large gravity-induced deflections and
elasticites are compensated, absolute lengths are reliably measured,
positional- and orientational-accuracy up to the tooltip is
maximized and no additional laser tracker is needed during set-up
anymore - see here for technical details.
Besides robot calibration services, iSiOS
offers lines of products for standard calibration, gantry calibration (mechanisms comprising
a mixture of
revolute and linear joints) as well as temperature
compensation and
in particular systems for concurrent inline
calibration and workcell calibration,
i.e. for 6D-pose
identification of fixtures and devices in the workcell.
iSiOS metrology systems are
installed at customer sites in USA, Asia and Europe. iSiOS
appreciates to present references to state of the art iSiOS
installations in diverse application fields.